- Vision, mission, values
- History of OMAEP
The Fundamentals of OMAEP
World Organization of Associations for Prenatal Education
The future parents of the world, prepared for conscious prenatal parenthood, participate in the emergence of a new humanity, peace and fraternity.
- To promote the principles of conscious prenatal parenthood from before conception, by informing future parents, professionals and the general public.
- To seek, gather and share scientific, psychological and spiritual knowledge concerning the influence of the inner life and behaviour of parents, especially the mother, on the prenatal development of the human being.
- Collaborate with partners to disseminate prenatal education in all social backgrounds and approach policy – makers at local and international levels to develop a dissemination strategy in all countries.
- Respects all human beings, without discrimination, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, political and social affiliation.
- Respects the fundamental rights of man and child from birth, as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”.
- Values the role of the mother and father as fundamental educators, a role they play from the period of preparation for conception, during pregnancy and after the birth of the child, and dedicates its activity to the common good for the sustainable progress of humanity.
- Acts in an impersonal and disinterested manner, in transparency with all actors involved – the public, partners, donors, beneficiaries, other interested parties – regarding its actions and the use of resources.
- Acts on the principle of volunteering and refrains from advertising for another organization, respecting its identity and values.
OMAEP was founded in 1991 by Marie-Andrée Bertin, president of the French Association (ANEP), the first Association for Prenatal Education, founded in 1982. The first member associations were the 6 National Associations for Prenatal Education, which existed at the time, that of France, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Norway and Portugal. Its legal form was a French non-profit association under the 1901 Act, independent of any religion or policy. It brought together private legal persons (associations or others) and not private persons, and its mission was to promote prenatal education throughout the world – which science considered to be the foundation of being, health, mind, balance, and spirituality.
The first president and founder (1991- 2005): was Marie-Andrée Bertin, inspired French educator, school principal, teacher trainer, also working at the University of Besançon in collaboration with Professor Montagner, with her collaborators: Professor Jean Pierre Relier, Professor of Neonatology, Dr Yves Moisan, Dr Patrick Camus, have invaded France and the world through symposia, conferences, articles, videos, publications. This intense activity led to the creation of other member associations: in Switzerland, Germany, Bolivia, Italy (3 associations: ANEP, AIEP, ANPEP), Bulgaria (2 associations), Romania, Latvia, United Kingdom, Canada, Venezuela, Ivory Coast and later Congo-Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Benin, Brazil, Cyprus, Australia, Cameroon.
Marie-Andrée Bertin’s book “Natural Prenatal Education, a Future for Youth, Family and Society” (1994) has been translated into several languages.
OMAEP organized several world congresses, in collaboration with the National Associations, which brought together the leaders of the world of science and philosophy:
- 1993: Grenada- “Prenatal education: a hope for the future”
- 1994: Athens- “Prenatal education, from ancient Greece to the 21st century”
- 1997: Rome- “The Biological and Psychological Foundations of Prenatal Education”
- 2001: Caracas, Venezuela – “Towards a world without violence”
- 2004: Athens- “Prenatal education for peace”
- 2007: Lausanne- “Prenatal education as a factor of peace”
The following conferences have also had an international dimension:
- 2010: Congo, Brazzaville-“1st E. P. International Congress organized in Brazzaville, by the AEP in October 2010 had been very successful, with the support of the Ministry of Health.
- 19.6.2013 Riga, Latvia, 19.6.2013, The concept of prenatal education, its history: the OMEAEP and the National Prenatal Education Associations, their activities, their work. Participation of all members of the OMEAEP AC and others (Russia)
- 10.10.2015 in Saint Prix near Paris, France International Symposium on Prenatality “Natural Prenatal Education, a bridge between the past and the future” OMAEP “Natural Prenatal Education, a Solution for our Society” with the participation of Dr. Catherine Dolto